Energy Whisperer



Attn: All Military Service Men and Women (and Vets)

Folks, I am absolutely excited and privileged to inform you that the response from our original July 17th, 2012 article post and offer for Free PTSD clearings to all Military Vets has been AMAZING! It has taken Shanie a month to process and treat 21 Vets! I am so moved and inspired by what she has done, and now incredibly enough, Shanie has extended this FREE offer to now include all Active and Non-Active duty military personnel! (also Vets)

Shanie´s alternative method of treatment is called the “Emotion Code and Body Code.” And I am here to tell you that it works! She has worked on me with several sessions and the results are simply fantastic and you can almost immediately feel the results. I am so grateful and appreciative to Shanie for her absolute kindness and compassion for offering these services to our brave military Men and Woman that I have created a static page for her on my site of SoldierHUGS as she has informed that she will continue to provide these PTSD clearings for our military because she receives so much joy and personal fulfillment from being able to help so many so effectively. See original article post here

I have personally observed Shanie  tirelessly and selflessly devote nearly all of her time for over a month working with and treating these Vets. I am so moved by her efforts and results with this work that I have now appropriately tagged her as the “ENERGY WHISPERER,” for this is exactly what she is from my point of view. But don’t take my word for it; as a testament to what I am describing here, this post includes 32 personal testimonials from the actual Vets and spouses for you to see for yourself! You will notice that some clients require multiple sessions to clear all trauma and PTSD! This is an absolute example of Shanie´s commitment and love as she works through as many sessions as necessary to clear these issues!

Please note that Shanie can only work and process so many clients at one time. To address this, we ask for your understanding and patience, as once a certain number of clients have applied to the offer, a waiting list will be formed and waiting clients will be treated in succession as previous clients are cleared. This way we can be sure to include everyone.  I only sincerely request that any Military person taking advantage of Shanie´s beautiful and valuable Free offer to please extend to her a big heart felt thank you for her passionate light work!

All Military persons wanting to take advantage of this FREE PTSD CLEARING Offer can go directly here to submit your form

In addition to the extended Free offer above for Military personnel, Shanie has also decided to offer these same amazing healing sessions to Non-Military clients at significant discounts!

I would highly encourage anyone reading this message to take advantage of these generous offers, Military or not. You will be happy you did! 🙂


DISCOUNT Offers for Non-Military Clients:


25% OFF Session rates for those reading this post on, this discount applies to any session package offered on Shanie’s website.
The direct link to apply this discount coupon is

Shanie’s website is


To contact her by email:




32 Vet Testimonials


Vet #1 – IAN


After 7th Session

For people who are unable to see connections without physical interaction – who can’t imagine that thoughts can have a real action on physical things, there’s no better proof than what Shanie has done for me! We’ve never met, never touched, I’ve never heard her voice, I have no idea what she looks like and only just now read what state she’s in, I never even gave her my location. Nonetheless, the first email she sent me included information about my condition that I forgot to include, so she apparently went looking for it – and found it! She was dead on! Absolutely correct about information regarding my condition I never gave her, didn’t even give her any info she might have extrapolated the info she got from! I’ve done energy work, but I’ve always had to have my hands ON the person! I’ve been saying for decades that everything is connected to everything else. Shanie has quietly, matter-of-factly handed me incontrovertible proof! And she has done me a lot of good in the process. She’s a generous and gifted lady, and she’s clearly using that gift, or more likely a constellation of gifts, as they were intended to be used: to heal, to clarify, to make whole and healthy. This lady is a real Lightworker!

Thank You Again, Shanie!


After 8th Session

Thank you, Shanie!

Thought you might like to know that you may have saved me a surgery! I’m missing the C-spinal curve that’s supposed to be there, but it was acting as though I had another piece of annulus – the cartilagenous outer covering of the spinal disks between vertebrae – because when I look up or up and left I started losing sensation in my right arm and hand. As of yesterday that stopped happening! And it’s been going on for at least eight months. Those disk pieces tend to get wedged into nerve roots – the place where the smaller paraspinal nerves exit from the spinal cord through small openings in the spine between the bones. Several times now they’ve ended up almost cutting into the nerves, which is, believe me, a whole new world of pain! I’ve also never had C-Spine surgery before and wasn’t looking forward to it. Any time you open the central compartment you’re asking for more trouble, but there seemed no alternative – until you did whatever you did and it stopped pressing on that nerve. Well done, and many thanks! You’re also more than welcome to use this as a recommendation, testimony or whatever!




Ian´s Spouse

Hi Shanie!

All I can say is – wow! Ian MacLeod is my husband – and he just shared two sessions that you did for him. The results and comments you shared with him are astoundingly accurate!! Thank you SO much for the kind offer of doing this for him! I’ll look for some neem leaf and zinc and get him started on this! I knew his immune system was low, but never realized it was that low! It could be worse, granted – but considering everything happening, I want to get that built up within him asap!! He is such a good man, good person, awesome husband! I want him to be around for years to come and hopefully to enjoy being with him longer than the year we’ve been married. If I could repay you for your services I would. I know you offered this to him gratis – but perhaps soon I could purchase sessions for myself as a thank you. May take a while, money’s tight!

Again thank you!!




Vet #2 Luke

After 5th Session

She makes it so easy to do. There is no inconvenience to your schedule. Very polite, kind and helpful. I appreciate what she is doing for me and other veterans!



Vet #3 – THOMAS

After 1ST Session


At the time of your reading I was driving into the mountains to scout a camping spot for me for next Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th. While driving I was thinking Wow! I feel pretty good, this is not normal. My body felt like it was light and was vibrating. My mind was clear and seemed focused (but I am usually focused when driving). On the way back home time seemed to fly even though I was in a parade of slow cars on windy roads. When I got home your results were waiting for me.

Look forward to the next round.


After 4th Session


Here are some perceptions: I seem to be more fluid, that is I seem to move easier. I am sleeping well lately! I am more at ease with things around me. But let me say this, I am so weary of this 3D existence and am waiting with anticipation and excitement for the transition to 4D soon! I think, with your help that I am feeling the increase in vibration. With the politics and insanity whirling around and the fear porn being disemanated by the Cabal/NOW trying to push us into submission I am glad it will be over soon.

I appreciate what you have done for me.


After 6th Session


Definitely feeling more peaceful since the last session. Actually feel like floating and being light enough to float.



Vet #4 – COLE

After 1st Session

Hi Shanie!

I must let you know I immediately felt a sense of peace during my appointment time and the rest of the day was rather spectacular! That effect has tapered off as of now, but I feel a marked improvement, overall. I felt the most relief immediately with opening up my heart and being lighter. As of now I feel just a little lighter. I must say I do need the most work with my heart wall. I’m not sure what caused all of it but it is hurting my relationship a lot. Thank you for what you have done and I very much look forward to today’s session! Thanks again!



Vet #5 – BOB

After 1st Session

Something has definitely been going on with my body, I’m detoxing a bit, having long strange dreams.  Your healing abilities are no doubt having some effects on my physical being and I’m hopeful there will be a healing achievement.

Thanks for sticking with me and looking forward to your continued success.

Aloha Nui Loa


After 2nd Session

Thanks for session 2.  I noted that there was some improvement and I am thankful for that.  Thanks, for pointing out some behavior and energy blockages is due to my Dad’s side of family line and clearing that energy blockage.  How many sessions do you expect with me?  I look forward to our next session on Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 1pm your time, I believe 9am my time on Maui, Hawaii. I seem to be a stubborn person in some areas of my being and am not surprised that I seem to be resisting unconsciously.  Consciously I am full go and open for your healing. I could actually feel you working on me last night, I was a little anxious, seemed to have a little trouble falling to sleep (very unusual for me) and had played golf yesterday afternoon and did seem to pick up an allergy from something there that seemed to bother clear easy breathing through my nose a bit laying down sleeping (even though I take a prescribed non-additive nose spray before I go to bed, so I can breathe through my nose good at night while sleeping). The last two nights I have been aware of strange long ongoing dreams (not military related) that seem bizarre and strange. Also, I feel change going on in my body in a good way during the day, making me feel lighter, more appreciative and a bit happier with more hope for a brighter future. Cannot believe your spending all this time on me, for which I am very grateful and hope for a successful conclusion.  I have wishes that your life be blessed.


Quick update, before 3rd session

Something has definitely been going on with my body, I’m detoxing a bit, having long strange dreams.  Your healing abilities are no doubt having some effects on my physical being and I’m hopeful there will be a healing achievement.

Thanks for sticking with me and looking forward to your continued success.

Aloha Nui Loa


After 3rd Session

Thank you for my third session: Seems my resistance is becoming less and you are able to break through somewhat…..please keep up the Tremendous progress!! About 3:30am I awoke last night and really felt like something was happening in my body, like you were doing healing….almost scared me as I felt so vulnerable…like you were actually inside my body and fixing my organs, Kidneys, Prostate etc, very weird experience.??? That was followed by another strange dream. Today I have felt mellow but happy and just content laying low, not doing much of anything. I am a type A and have to be on the move all the time, so somewhat unusual for me, even reading a book, a first for a long time. Also did some light cleaning around the house.


After 4th Session

Session 4 of July 31st. Investigated Vitamin A….symptoms of dry eyes, skin not as good as I would like, dry mouth at night (I thought caused by BP meds), I seem to fit the profile…Sweet Potato high natural source of Vitamin A, eating a medium sized portion every day. Also, bought a vitamin supplement for eyes, high in Vitamin A. Number 8, concentrating is improving….Yes I believe that is correct…thank God!. Muscles of neck (never had trouble before)….now bothering me a lot for past month and a half….maybe the Vitamin A increase will help with that ….I’m hoping so. Seems like I’m in a deeper sleep, but still filled with weird dreams and sinus still acting up at night where I have trouble breathing easily though my nose…must be connected with an Allergy (which you also mention). No feeling now of anything happening with my organs inside. However, noting a lot of gas in my system (very unusual) and may be an indication of my body detoxing!! Something is happening to my physical body…time will tell if health is improving. BP improving naturally I’m hoping, so can get off all BP meds. Hoping for an improvement in my Kidney function….now about 50%. And of course would love to have my memory back so I would know what happened in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Of course wishing an improvement in PTSD.


After 5th Session

Session 5. My comments. Sensibility to light, Yes, sometimes more than others. Sinuses 6 of 10 getting better…I’m not noticing this improvement yet. Magnetic field deficiency may be due to us having a QRS pad (we have had this for about 5 years), which I usually lay on for 8 to 24 minutes every day. The only improvement I can detect from laying on this mat, it gives me more flexibility in my body. Meridians in foot, yes recently have been having some strange sensations, soreness certain parts of feet. Repeated Disturbing dreams 5 of 10, yes, bad dreams becoming less and good dreams somewhat taking over…still pretty long vivid dreams however…a couple nights ago, quite sensuous, a lot of kissing but not sexual. Last night long perplexing dream about past business. Good to know that Pancreas is causing Gas in my system which has lessen considerably now.


After 6th Session

Session 6. Concentrating down to 3, hope that is correct….still not remembering as much as I want to but procrastinating less. I noticed this session most are Heart Wall Emotions all sounds somewhat correct. Feeling jumpy down to 4, that is probably correct, do not seem to be reacting as much as before to small things. Still sleeping pretty deep, but still wake up about 2 or 2:30am every night. Still seem to be having too much problems with my neck. Chiropractic sessions do not seem to help. Chiropractic Dr. suggested I have X-rays on my neck and shoulders to see if it shows anything. Shanie hope you and your family are coping well in todays world. Many blessings to you all and thank you for your continued efforts on my behalf. I am forever grateful!


After 7th Session


Thanks for your continued efforts on my behalf.  According to session 7, Yes I agree that 1, 3 and 4 are improving.  However Sinuses still a issue at night (No problem at all in daytime) and worst when I’m laying face down, like on a massage table (it is miserable for me to get a massage because my Sinuses are running and I’m miserable). My neck and shoulders  are still bothering me, but for some reason, I believe they will get better in the very near future….I feel something good is about to happen to my overall health.  It could all be your intervention with my energy field Shanie.  I will keep you posted.  I believe during your next healing session we will have a break through.

Blessings, Light and Comfort


After 8th Session


Thank you for all your hard work and transitioning of my organs and body into a renovated remake. As everyone knows, we have new cells about every 30 days, why not replace the old with new reenergized healthy cells and organs, processed and manipulated by no one other than yours truly “Shanie” You are almost a Miracle worker. I cannot wait until my next visit to the Doctors office, to see if my Phobia is gone, Blood Pressure always much higher there. Also, looking forward to new Labs to see improvements in my Kidney and other body functions. Even my skin is getting softer and healthier. I am almost glowing with improvement. My mind is getting sharper and smarter. I feel better and look better. I’m more serene, positive and happy. And my sleep is deeper and I do not wake up as often.

The old adage that “We are nothing more or less than our belief system”, is not quite correct. It seems each of us are much more than what we believe ourselves to be, as a matter of fact, we cannot even imagine how great we are, we are unlimited!

Thank you Shanie for all your Gifts of Good health and sound mind. A physical and emotional overhaul like I am receiving would be worthy of every sentient being in the physical realm!!



Vet #6 – CATHY

After 3rd Session


Thank you so much for your work!

Last Friday I was able to be motivated to drink more pure water and stick with it. I felt the urge to get some glass bottles and fill them with water to keep in my fridge. I have found a schedule that works for me to drink between 5 & 6 13oz bottles each day throughout the day. I only drink the water for my fluid intake and have stopped drinking the sweet tea that I love so that I can feel better. Since that time I have slept SO MUCH better at night without taking the melatonin that I had been doing. I think being open to your process has given me the courage to notice and act on these inner directives. My body has been feeling much better (even before the water intake) and now I am working on some relationship issues that I have put off forever! It is amazing how knowing someone is on your side and working with you to help your body heal in every way.

I appreciate your work for me.



After 5th Session

Thank you, Shanie!

Since our last session I have been drinking more water and taking the Vitamin C as suggested. My husband and I went away for my birthday Sunday and Monday.  Just prior we had “cleared the air” about a few things I had not told him about (feelings regarding him and our relationship) so our time together away was so much more pleasant!  He shared with me some things that I had longed to hear and told/showed him how grateful I was for it. I feel much better in the “feelings of doom” department and I believe your sessions were the catalyst for that.  I am feeling more appreciated by him and that seemed to be a stuck place for a long while. Today I go for some blood tests from a physical I had yesterday.  We will see what that shows up in the physical in my body.  I have bloating and some incontinence so he put me on some probiotics and changed my High BP meds to one without the diuretic. This should help while I get to the emotional issues attached to these.



After 6th Session

Thank you, Shanie!

I got the results back from my blood tests. Everything looks good! Cholesterol, CBC, Triglycerides, Blood Glucose (86), liver function, kidney function all within normal limits and some exceptionally good. The probiotics made me feel worse but I am thinking it may be due to gluten sensitivity. I will try a few days with out that and see. Blood pressure is pretty good on the new meds but I would dearly love to not have to take them! Have gained a bit of weight, could be due to water retention since I am no longer on a diuretic. I have also had a cold the last few days. You were right about my immunity being low. I have been under some stress with my husband and his work situation.

A very good thing happened for which I am ever so grateful! We had a terrible storm last Thursday with a power outage for over an hour. The thunder was awful and would have normally sent me into a panic. After it was over I realized I was not shaking or even jittery as was my normal state in this circumstance! The loud noises didn’t bother me! Yahoo!



Vet #7 – ZACK

After 1ST Session

Hello Shanie,

I must say I was absolutely blown away with the accuracy of the findings you were able to discover. My parents divorced when I was 12 years old, at that time my mother wasn’t around very much and I felt very abandoned. Also at age 21-22 was when I was released from the military, I had a very hard time dealing with that. Reading the results of what you found had a big impact on me and made me cry a bit! I can say that the thought of not wanting to live has not bothered me since the session, and I am very, very grateful for that and you. I feel a bit more in control of my thoughts. As for the numbers on my 4 listed complaints, I can take them all down at least by one number. Depression, down by 2. I am looking very, very forward to tomorrow’s session as I felt a very calmed sense of being after the first session.

Thank you so much for everything you are doing for me, I am very, very grateful!


After 3rd Session

Hi Shanie,

I hope every single soldier that finds your site contacts you and requests your assistance. I am doing quite a bit better since the second session, and I am feeling about right in line with the numbers that you have placed at the end of our last session. I am still a bit troubled in some areas, communication/social communication, but all around I can certainly feel a great difference from before I contacted you until now. I noticed the results from the last said at 9 CST, I got up that morning and was meditating during that time to hopefully open up to more of the healing and clearing. I am so very grateful for you and your time you have spent with me, I feel I have made so much progress in many areas and I am quite thankful 🙂

Sincerely… very sincerely,


After 5th Session

Hi Shanie!

Well, I continue to be completely blown away with the accuracy of the things you are finding in our sessions. You are truly amazing and I really cannot thank you enough for what you have done for me and the continuous work you are doing! I have improved drastically in many areas and I have quite a bit more energy than ever before., I am very blessed to have found you and the work you do. Thank you Shanie, from the top of my heart 🙂 Your last session was awesome.. I recently started attempting to run again and my back has felt the impact of these activities lol.. you were very very spot on. I would say I feel the same as your numbers from the last session, except for still a bit of anxiety (but only in certain situations, like when I get to class). Back pain is still present but I believe I have been aggravating it by running, but it felt really good to be able to run again! I actually have some very interesting news for you too! I talked to my father about you and what you are doing for me…. I believe he needs your assistance quite a bit… he has been active duty military for around 33 years..he just sent you the first form on the SoldierHugs website. I can’t wait for you to completely blow him away with your abilities!!!

Thank you very much Shanie.


After 7th Session

Thank you Shanie! I am finding myself feeling better and better these days and am looking forward to progressing onwards! I completely agree with the numbers from the last session, and would like to thank you again for all of your help and assistance with me!

Thank you so very much!



Vet #8 – WILLIAM

After 1ST Session


Once again thank you for the help you are giving. It is much needed and appreciated so much more than words can convey. I do feel as if the anger has subsided some, and I am not as panicky as usual recently, which I am taking a homeopathic remedy to help with as well. As far as the depression, it isn’t just military experience related, it’s just life in general, and I know it’s tough for everybody out there. It’s really hard making ends meet and trying to keep creditors off my back, but I am feeling as if a weight is being lifted. I definitely have positive expectations for the next session and beyond.

With Great Respect and Appreciation,


After 2nd Session

I am definitely feeling clearer and less weighty. I seem to be able to stay more relaxed for longer as well. I can’t exactly Shanie, describe the feeling I am getting, but the more I start feeling this way the happier and excited I become about this process working for me.

Many Wonderful Thanks,


After 3rd Session


I am seeing things clearer and easier. Numbers are very auspicious to me, and the other day I saw a 55555 combination. Just this morning I saw a hit counter dead on 1000, plus a few other clock coincidences. That tells me that things are progressing in a positive way. I’m not sure if there is a specific meaning to each specific number, but when I see combinations like that I definitely take stock of everything happening. Right now I think it’s more of a knowing that blocks and walls are clearing than it is a feeling.

Looking forward to tomorrow!


After 5th Session


Once again, thank you for your wonderful work. I have been feeling a noticeable decrease in stress and worry. I always seem to have something to worry about, but lately I think of things and just keep my attention on the details I need to sort out instead of worry about how everything is going to come together. I feel that my issues from my military experiences are behind me. What a relief. I feel like I can find myself again and grow forward in new ways. I hope this feeling never ends.


After 7th Session


I have been paying a lot of attention to my feelings lately and I am noticing that I am able to relax a lot more easily and effortlessly as well as getting better sleep. The unexpected passing of my uncle while I was on vacation has been upsetting, especially since I made it a point to try and see him before I have to fly back home, but I have been able to handle the sudden change of plans well. I feel better about myself and more confident. I do have several day to day issues that I am dealing with such as money, bad credit, creditors hounding me, etc., but I have been able to handle these issues with a lot more clarity, focus, and peace of mind. I am more settled and relaxed and not as worrisome. This is a great feeling; a feeling like I am coming home in a sort of way.

Thank you again for your wonderful work.




Vet #9 – LATASHA

After 1ST Session

I am truly impressed by your gift to be able to comprehend these things spiritually. I thank-you for showing me what I can’t hear my body and spirit calling out to me. I believe in this experience, and I want to do everything I can to help myself as well as others to adhere to what we all truly need. I am so interested in furthering my experience with this in every way imaginable. Can u please direct me to ways in which I can be of service to these and other ways of natural experiences, that may help myself and others in our journey to wholeness.


After 5th  and FINAL Session

Hey Shanie! Thank-you for all of your time and evaluation. I must say that I do feel better over all, and I’ve actually been experiencing an overall transformation from day one of our sessions. Everything you found is very much so related to my past and present in very relevant ways. Since the sessions are complete (and I would definitely like to continue this process of natural healing), how do I continue sessions?



Vet #10 – Jay

After 1st Session

Hi Shanie!

Thank you for that session! Before our scheduled appointment time, I sat down for meditation, within 10 minutes, I knew you connected to me energetically! I definitely felt my heart space throbbing and energies were moving in a circular motion, I was actually very tense during the entire period which lasted about 40-50mins, I think there was/is a big blockage in my heart. I was anticipating my heart bursting open and it reached a peak level but did not open as I had hoped. I hope we can continue this work! Thank you so much Shanie! Was the emotion shame completely removed? I do sure hope by the time PTSD reaches a 0 severity, my heartwall, will also have been removed, because I surely can’t afford to pay for the wonderful healing services that you offer. Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart for helping us Veterans with this wonderful self-less service.

Lots of love,


5 thoughts on “Energy Whisperer”

  1. I work with animal rescue and recently helped remove over 100 sick, starving, traumatized dogs and cats from the hands of a hoarder. Every animal had been suffering in a crate, in the dark, surrounded by his or her own feces and urine, for a year. A pile of skeletons was found in the back yard. One little poodle couldn’t close her mouth because of such horrid gum disease. Shanie not only helped me get through the nightmare of the smell and the pictures in my mind, but also several of the animals who were suffering so much I thought they might die. A chihuahua who had no hair left due to stress and starvation had lost the will to live. A cat who was giving up….even a donkey and a Belgian mare! All animals are reported to be springing back and learning to enjoy life again! They went from the most serious cases to on the road to recovery, thanks to Shanie! Shanie even picked up on an issue with my neck that causes painful stress related headaches that I never told her about and even though I expected one, I never got one of those painful headaches! When I thanked Shanie, she told me she had tears of joy at the realization she had helped not only me but animals who had given up on life. Thank you Shanie, you are a precious gift to the planet, I will never be able to express my gratitude in words!

    1. You are so welcome, Sue! I appreciate what you do for these precious animals, who need an act of kindness from another to free themselves from such horrible conditions! To help you and these rescued animals gave me so much joy! Thank you, Sue, for the kind words and being there for these animals, you are such a special person!

  2. I suffer Complex-PTSD and TBI related Epilepsy. I was fired and discriminated against by a large car loan/Spanish Bank here in the US. I am entering into an active law suit that will set a precedent for many thousands of other victims of PTSD and related issues. Please pray and support me as going through this case/law suit will be quite taxing on my PTSD. But having this happen to me more than once, and this company ALSO under lawsuit for Repo’ing cars of deployed soldiers, AND harassing family of deployed soldiers to a point there are two class action law suits against them… and DFW Fox News Becky Oliver has done a couple video stories on this HATED company… I need support emotionally in continuing this case. The emotional toll after having my GOOD civilian health care yanked from my family, having us evicted from our home… not having access to medical care for half a year making finding another job almost impossible and many other road blocks… I can only think that NO MORE, this will not happen to me again… NOR will it happen to Civilians and Military folks with PTSD TBI etc… and this can set a case for any future discrimination to your loved ones. Thank you for listening and please visit my Facebook site and post your story and click LIKE to give me moral support.
    TY, Corey Texas

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