Homo Sapiens Ethicus

Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Ascension

Introducing Part 3 of in the “Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens” by –daniel

Q&A for Geoengineering paperHomo Sapiens Ethicus

Perhaps this paper should be sub-titled as “The Holodeck Handbook”, because it really provides a great tutorial once one realizes that “all experience” that is perceived, is in fact a “projection” our your unconscious choice of experience as part of your  conscious evolution. It’s notright or wrong“, but rather have you “learned & earned” enough from your holodeck experiences to choose “End Program”.

To my knowledge, this is the most comprehensive work I’ve read, dealing with the concepts of Life, Death, Reincarnation, and Ascension, and is certainly appropriate as part of this series.  For me, whats really amazing is that we can finally see and define these things as tangibles that have specific roles in the fabric of life and conscience experience– and not just mythological concepts that are disregarded as fantasy.

When we understand the reciprocal relationship of the Body, Mind, and Spirit, as well as the energy types and realms that integrate with these, things really start to fall into place.

As daniel points out in this paper, most people have difficulty “hoping off” one side of the coin. Have to find the edge and to take a peek at both sides–No longer a leap of “faith!”



Introducing daniel’s new paper of:

New World Religion

Enslaving the Human Spirit with a Blue Beam

Part 2 of the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens

god said
Send in the Clowns (Posse)

I decided to write this short intro as daniel’s next paper is published for all to see. This is one of my favorites so far because its written so well, is funny, and has very little ‘tech talk” in it which makes it really comprehensible to us lay persons.

I can’t speak for the rest of you, but one thing that stands out to me is that nearly everything I interact with today whether its media, internet articles, videos, interviews, tv,etc…is so blatantly wrong! For me, this is because it all has a huge gaping (w)HOLE that is missing! I call this gaping (w)hole, the missing “half” of all context.

I say this because everything we come into interaction with is tainted, flawed, and perverted with only “half” of the correct information or context. So really, its only “half” of the whole.

The missing half of the context I am talking about is the fundamental thing that daniel writes about in all of his papers, the aspect of Motion that exists as the basis of all physics, and that Motion is the reciprocal interaction of Time and Space. Together!

So whats the problem? Everything we interact is based only in the context of Space, and does not acknowledge or comprehend that Time is the other Half of Reality. What I mean is, time and space work together in unison to create the “whole” of reality” as motion. Each is “half of the whole”, which is why everything we know is wrong! (from the main stream point of view) Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with recognizing Space for what it is and its role in the whole of reality, but the problem arises when the universe is defined without the other “half of the whole”, which is Time.

Its a wonder why more people aren’t awakened to this deception. Why is everyone just walking along clueless like the poor chump in the cartoon above, oblivious to the missing half of reality? Well, that’s the kicker! This is being done quite intentionally so you won’t trip and fall into the gaping (w)hole of your own awareness!

You see, when you deny Time and its role in universal reality, you also deny and prohibit access to all the things that exist within time. One very important aspect that exists in time, is your extra sensory perceptions (ESP) of psychic ability. The NWO/NWR have great fear that you will discover this missing aspect of your ability.

Why? Because access to your temporal existence and psychic abilities would transcend any mind control, or deception that anyone or any ET could attempt to control you with.

In a couple of days I will write a Part 2 to this intro about the missing half of Time, and include a table cheat sheet I am working on that helps me remember several underlying contexts that usually evade most people.

Without further ado, here is daniel’s great new paper of:

Q&A for Geoengineering paperNew World Religion (Phoenix III, Daniel)

New World Religion-

Enslaving the Human Spirit with a Blue Beam

Part 2 of the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens

____________________________________________________________________________ ManWithDinosaurs

Geochronology – Hiding History in the Past


Part 1 of the Anthropology Series on the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens

Here is the first installment of daniel’s research into Anthropology, dealing with the hidden origins of homo sapiens. Daniel tells me this is the first in a series of papers explaining the misconceptions of modern science resulting from their habit of getting things backwards… as daniel likes to comment of his own learning experiences, “everything we know is wrong.”

Daniel of course, is not the only researcher out there observing and challenging the status quo of the establishment’s version of history, physics, and scientific academia. In fact, many others are starting down this path in search of the factual and provable truth which have been purposefully and intricately hidden from nearly all of humanity for millennia.

For me personally, this is yet another eye opening piece that sheds more light on the path in front of me, as I continue on my journey and discovery of just how much Everything We Know is Wrong. I learned a long time ago that people do not “wake up” from being told the facts or having the map laid out in front of them; they awaken from the discovery of the facts and the map along the path. And daniel dumps one heck of a map on us to discover, with this update to how we view history.

What if we are not hundreds of thousands of years Old, but instead discover that we, human beings, are less than 6,000 years Young? Hmm, crazy right? Well perhaps NOT so crazy after all. What if the Earth is not an old gal, hitting her 4.7 billionth birthday? Backwards astronomy, backwards age… we’re actually the new kid on the block, with a civilization that is getting ready to move out of their parent’s basement and take on a Universe.

Our true history is the needle and the past is the haystack. If you wanted to “Hide History in the Past”, a 4.47 billion year-old haystack is one, HUGE haystack! Now what if the haystack was not four and a half billion years, but rather a few hundred thousand years young?

If you are like me, and ready to tackle the tiny haystack to find our needle, let us lock arms together, once again, and take it from the beginning with:

  • Discovering just how Young our Solar System, Earth, and History are
  • Correcting and Correlating history to a timeline where science, religion and mythology all match up
  • The events creating the solar system matching the Dominance of Gods 
  • Adam & Eve as the first Cro-Magnons 
  • Destructions of Atlantis matching up with the Hebrew Exodus and the Deluge 
  • The stuff planets are made of—and how they behave in a solar system 
  • The not-so-natural origin of Moons

So read on and remember, this is just “Part 1!”



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64 thoughts on “Homo Sapiens Ethicus”

  1. Wow! What an outstanding piece of work, Daniel! Seems logical and entirely plausible to me. I will restart my read of Mr. Larson’s works, with a heightened sense of their importance. Thank you for your efforts, Daniel, and please keep up the outstanding work.

    1. Thanks, John. I try my best with some very difficult topics.

      Dewey Larson was a truly brilliant man; way ahead of his time. His books certainly changed my life, as without them, I could never have made any sense of the strange things I’ve experienced.

      First book I read was “New Light on Space and Time,” and the concept that “light was still and it was everything else that was moving” really blew my mind. Now it makes perfect sense. And the dirt simple explanation of gravity in “Beyond Newton” was also a real eye opener. Once you understand how big a part “time” plays in our experience, the world actually gets a lot simpler.

        1. The references in the PDF are clickable to papers and sections of online books. A couple of Larson’s books are available as PDFs that are free for private use (please do not upload) on Reciprocalsystem.org. I would not use the junk copies on scribd, as they are full of errors.

  2. Daniel Thank you so much for your effort with this article, it is so good of you to share your perceptions, I have always believed in the expanding Earth Theory. Again thank you for Be’ing.

  3. Hey Daniel, just wanted to say thank you for sharing all of this with the world, it has been some of the most interesting material I’ve ever come across. One thing I can’t figure out is where do the dinosaurs fir into this model?

    1. Dinosaurs will be in Part 2, which I cut from this paper because the RS2 folks have not had time to finish the radiometric dating corrections of the early Epochs yet.

  4. hello daniel, Thank you so much for your paper the are if not anything illuminating. I was just wondering if you could say anything about the country India

    1. Well, my best friend is from Bangalore and we’ve talked much about India, particularly the very high correlation between the Norse/Germanic gods and the Vedic ones, such as AEsir-Asura, Vanir-Vanaara, etc. That will come up in a later paper that shows that all the religions appear to be talking about the same “gods”–with one, interesting exception: Hanuman.

  5. Wooow, thankyou so much Daniel.
    I first read Velikovsky in the 70s then went on to Von Daniken, Cayce, Seth, Sitchen etc. trying to join the dots so your article just blew me away. I’m impatient to read your next installment.

  6. What amaze me is the ring of Truth that I sense while reading all your papers, Daniel and this is both challenging and confusing for me, I used to believe that I had a good grasp of physic concepts and laws only to realise now that I have been hoodwinked by a corrupt and treacherous chorus of mischivious bables, while the true and important research, the paradigm changing knowledge has been arrested, marginalised or exploited in shadowy black projects.
    I want to express my gratitude and admiration for your fantastic gift to us all and your truly brave stance under circumstances that I know are not to be threaded on lightly!
    E pur si muove !
    Thank you very much, I wait for your next installment with divine anticipation !

    Cristian Man

  7. Daniel! I’ve been waiting so long for this to come out- thank you! What’s next in your series? I cannot being to explain to you how much I love reading your material!

    1. Right now, I am working on 3 other parts; not sure which one will get done first. Depends on when other contributors from the scientific underground get back to me, regarding the various topics. Part 2 on Prehistory (dinosaurs, arrival of the gods, Atlantis) will probably be next.

  8. Thanks for all of this. It’s really quite fantastic stuff.

    I know you’ve said that the asteroid belt could never have been a habitable planet, but what about Maldak theory?

  9. Daniel, take my gratitude and admiration. Great gift you give us. You sure know, that we read your papers all over the planet, good people translate them for those non english understanding rest. Wish you all the best and light for your future work. Thanks!!!

    1. Hi Luba, daniel and I have also been looking into getting these papers translated into other languages. If you know someone who has already been translating these internationally, could you please put them in touch with me at chstuff@conscioushugs.com ? Thank you so much, Aaron

    2. Yes, please contact Aaron–we’d love to put a copy of the translations on the website, as there are a lot of inquiries about the papers in other languages.

  10. This essay is truly fantastic! I’ve been looking forward to reading it for some time — definitely worth the wait!
    On a side note, I was wondering if you would care to comment on any connection between solar activity and geologic activity, specifically earthquakes. A user by the name of Suspicious0bservers makes daily videos on YouTube in regards to news around the world, particularly about Solar activity. He theorizes that solar flares, CME’s (etc.) induce earthquakes from the disturbances they create in the magnetoshpere. I was curious if you had anything to say on the subject and if it has any relation to the core makeup of the Earth as you discussed it in your essay!

    1. Here, here Wes!

      I, too, am interested in any correlation between earthquakes and solar activity.

      Mentions of Keshe in the paper (Daniel) and Wes, your mention of Suspicious0bservers from YouTube are interesting, as I’ve currently been feeling resonance from both those sources.

      Over at Removing the Shackles, there is talk of the OPPT and their UCC filings.

      Any comment on this subject would be most excellent.


      1. Hi Jordan, I’m looking for this or any review, written about kesche, can I indicate in which video auspices of 00 is such a comment please someone wants to replicate this

    2. If Larson’s astronomy is correct, the cores of all the planets, though distributed in space, are still localized in time–that means there is a strong correlation between everything in the solar system. Sort of like the EPR paradox on a planetary scale. We’re all connected together in this Matrix.

  11. How does this fit in with the work of David Talbott and Immanuel Velikovsky? Was Saturn, Venus and Mars closer to the earth? How do you explain the widespread Saturn symbolism that is present in our history?

    1. Velikovsky has been a long-time inspiration for me; his research into ancient cultures is fascinating. The only problem was that he believed the “backwards astronomy,” and had to create Grecian-style epicycles to explain things, when more obvious explanations were available when you flip it around.

      Initially, when Saturn became dominant, it was extraordinarily bright and the ring systems were like their stellar counterparts–lit up, so also very obvious to observers on Earth. People would associate events with its presence, so various symbolism developed around Saturn, particularly as the “horned beast” or the “bearded watcher.”

  12. Hi Daniel,
    I have a few questions which I hope you dont mind. My first question is why you did not post your papers on David’s blog since he is the only reason anyone knows about you and also he has a far larger readership then originally soldier hugs who is and was unknown to most? And who doesn’t use his real name how could you trust its not ‘black ops’ running the site (no offense to soldier hugs) but a very logical conclusion since ‘black ops’, cia, dhs etc. run alot of sites for disinfo, data collection, persons of interest collection, etc.

    For my questions on the paper I have many but I’ll just ask 3.

    1. If ALL solar systems are exactly the same then how do most solar systems have binary stars and even triple stars?

    2. Alex Collier and several other trustworthy contactees, state their ETs have a far different view of the history of this planet then you. And dont seem to agree with your theory of Reciprocal System of history. As in they say humans have been on this planet for longer then what the mainstream will admit and that Atlantis and Limera (dont know how to spell it) were far older.

    3. How do you explain rock layers and sediment layers and how can we find bones and such far deeper then 3,000 b.c. But more importantly human artifacts in millions of years old sediment? (and I am sure if you were in ‘black ops’ then you would know of many, many, many more discoveries of artifacts and the like that have been found that was not aloud to come to the public or even academics eyes)

    And lastly Zacheria Stitchin has been proven to be a fraud and actually worked for the government which seriously makes me doubt your authenticity since you should know this if you were ‘black ops’! The government told him to purposely make a fraudulent translation of the sumerian texts! So to use him in your paper is suspicious.


    1. David was sent a copy of the paper when I released it. I believe he was getting ready for a conference, so I guess he never had any time to do anything with it and he’s now probably in his post-conference crash. You should bug him about it. He already knows about most of this stuff, as I told him about it years ago.

      Regarding SoldierHugs/ConsciousHugs; not a problem, as I maintain the server. I got to know the owner, Aaron, because of PHP errors on the old site that he could not fix. Outside of David Wilcock, he’s about the only other person on the planet that knows a lot of details about the hidden sciences I am attempting to bring out. And he still hasn’t tried to buy my silence with millions of dollars yet–Aaron, get with it! Got bills to pay!

      1. If ALL solar systems are exactly the same then how do most solar systems have binary stars and even triple stars?

      They are not EXACTLY the same; they have the same general structure, but not all the “options” are used. When binaries get older, the probability of forming a solar system diminishes, and you end up with triplets, quadruplets… I believe they have even found up to a dozen stars in a group in the older regions of the galaxy, nearer the central hub. I’d refer you to Larson’s “Universe of Motion” for the details.

      Alex Collier and several other trustworthy contactees, state their ETs have a far different view of the history of this planet then you. And dont seem to agree with your theory of Reciprocal System of history. As in they say humans have been on this planet for longer then what the mainstream will admit and that Atlantis and Limera (dont know how to spell it) were far older.

      Everyone has their opinion. None of the information I use is from ET or channeled sources; it comes from logical deduction guided by information I was exposed to during the Phoenix III project. I will cross-reference such material, as in the case of the Law of One (Ra was the only channeled source I found that also indicated stellar evolution was backwards). Though if you like, tell Alex to have his ETs drop by for lunch, and we’ll discuss it. I’ll even pick up the check.

      How do you explain rock layers and sediment layers and how can we find bones and such far deeper then 3,000 b.c. But more importantly human artifacts in millions of years old sediment? (and I am sure if you were in ‘black ops’ then you would know of many, many, many more discoveries of artifacts and the like that have been found that was not aloud to come to the public or even academics eyes)

      The geochronology is wrong; the rock and sediment layers are not that old. That is what I was trying to explain in the paper–radioactive half-lives, which they use to generate these dates, are based on a bad assumption. The human artifacts are in thousands-of-year-old sediment, not millions.

      One of the difficulties we had during Phoenix III was the limited temporal range of the equipment, before it screwed up. I think the upper limit was 6037, before everything “froze” (where the horse statue is–that looks a LOT like the horse at Denver International Airport). Of course, the other end was about 4000 BCE where there was a planetary catastrophe. There was something about the nature of the catastrophe that kept the equipment from probing beyond that point without freezing. And you know what? They did not find humans there. Because they believed the “accepted history,” it was assumed that mankind had gotten wiped out by the disaster, and only pockets of humanity remained, to grow back to what we have today. Yet, the Neanderthals were abundant, with quite a society. Not much “added up” until we ran across Larson’s description of radioactivity, and realized that the geochronology was all wrong and we were looking at the creation of Cro-Magnon man as a hybrid critter, better suited to the post-catastrophe environment.

      Yes, I’ve seen some remarkable artifacts. Hitler actually collected a huge amount of stuff, worldwide, which was scarfed up by the Americans and Russians and locked away, because most of it was the technology of the “gods” which could not be allowed in the general population. They also destroyed a HUGE amount of it.

    2. And lastly Zacheria Stitchin has been proven to be a fraud and actually worked for the government which seriously makes me doubt your authenticity since you should know this if you were ‘black ops’! The government told him to purposely make a fraudulent translation of the sumerian texts! So to use him in your paper is suspicious.

      I would like to see that “proof”… sounds ridiculous to me. Heck, I was reading “The 12th Planet” AT Montauk during my breaks! Nobody ever said anything to me; quite the contrary, a lot of people there became interested in it because it helped to explain a lot of the stuff we were getting back from temporal observations.

      And I wasn’t a super-secret high-level “black ops” insider… I was a contract technician. If the janitor knew it, I knew it. And I’m sure the high-level bigshots kept all the janitors informed of their secret disinformation agents.

  13. Hi, Daniel. I just wanted to express my thanks that you’re sharing this kind of information. Reading it gives me chills and the kind of soul recognition feeling that I got when I first started discovering this sort of material. Thank you so much.

  14. Thank you Daniel. in page 3 paragraph 2 line 2 : Since the atom is exploding over and over again in 3D time”.. you meant 3D space?
    Respect from Libya

    1. in page 3 paragraph 2 line 2 : Since the atom is exploding over and over again in 3D time”.. you meant 3D space?

      The atom has its structure in 3D time, and only has “location” in 3D space. Since a location is nothing more than a point (zero dimensions), there is nothing in space that CAN explode. The only way an atom can come apart is for the temporal structure to dissociate, creating additional locations in space for each bit that can give a measurable, spatial separation.

      As an analogy, take a basket of apples and set it on a tiled, kitchen floor. The grid of the tiles gives a spatial coordinate system, but all the apples are in one basket, and are not part of the floor. (The basket would be Larson’s “time region.”) Now take some apples out of the basket, and put them on other spots on the floor. That’s your explosion–you have to take the stuff out of the 3D time “basket” in order to move them in 3D space.

  15. Hello there!

    I wanted to sincerely thank daniel and others for the feedback I received on my previous comment.

    I want to offer some additional material in regards to developing news in science, and see how they correlate to what daniel has expressed in his latest piece.

    The following are links to three articles about the first ever observed formation of a planet, the discovery of a baby black hole in the midst of a supernova remnant, and the recently calculated speed of rotation of a supermassive black hole (respectively). All of which I think clearly involve the topics discussed in daniel’s ‘Geochronology’.




    I’d love to open a discussion on what daniel and others think about these recent discoveries/observations, and how they may contradict conventional science as they develop.

    1. I’ll take a look when I get a chance.

      I’d love to open a discussion on what daniel and others think about these recent discoveries/observations, and how they may contradict conventional science as they develop.

      We have a forum for that very purpose. Click the link in the tab at the top of the window.

  16. Thank you Daniel for the Heroic work that you share! Is there any chance you be attending the Time Travel Awake & Aware Conference in Los Angeles April 5-8th?

    1. Is there any chance you be attending the Time Travel Awake & Aware Conference in Los Angeles April 5-8th?

      David Wilcock invited me (even offered to pay me), but conference lectures really aren’t my thing. I think he wanted to surprise Preston Nichols (not that he’d remember a lowly tech like myself, and it was 30 years–and 150 pounds–ago! I probably would not have remember him if it wasn’t for those home videos he started doing).

      David and I were discussing doing an interview and workshop on secret science at a future conference in the Denver area. But it would just be for a small group, not a big conference.

    1. this means that even if the ice melt there will be no water raising,isn’t it?

      Water is constantly being produced underground, so the level is always going up. Good thing the earth expands, or we’d be waterworld by now.

      The ice caps are a recent development. If you look at the old maps, they show the polar zones as ice free. It wasn’t until after the deluge that we had polar caps. Guess you can thank Enlil for that.

  17. Daniel please reconsider your decision in attending the Time Travel conference April 5-8. I believe your participation would be very important and extremely well received. It would also provide the opportunity for the extraordinary information you have published on this website to reach many times more people. Thank you

  18. This may not be a welcome comment, but it appears to me that Obama is getting increasingly out of control when it comes to his feeling justified about removing people who get in his way, or simply become inconvenient; maybe if they just MIGHT become an inconvenience! Daniel, like the rest of us here I really treasure your contributions, and while I think you’re definitely something of a wizard, I harbor no illusions that you’re bulletproof! Stay home, put your feet up, start a nice game of chess with somebody, okay? And KEEP WRITING, PLEASE! I don’t know about you, but I’m allergic to fast-moving metal, especially lead, and this paranoid and multiply insane government bought a bit over two BILLION hollow-point rounds just recently. Then there’s all the high-tech stuff they have to play with that we’re just learning about. I’d rather allow them as few targets to try them out on as possible…

    Nvwhtohiyada, tohju! (Ani-Yunwya – Cherokee – for, “Peace to you, my friend!”)


    1. I harbor no illusions that you’re bulletproof!
      I think they leave me alone for two reasons: first, I’m doing the work and reporting the results that their scientists can’t seem to figure out, and second, I’d probably be way more trouble to them dead, than I am alive. I have many friends in low places… so low, you could call them subterranean.

  19. My comment has been hanging out all alone on the main page of the article for a while now, so I will throw this question into the mix here. Please forgive me if it has been addressed already. Anyway, it has been extremely confusing working through all of the different theories about the moon landings. Do we know who actually got there, and how? Looking forward to the next article. Aloha.

    1. Anyway, it has been extremely confusing working through all of the different theories about the moon landings. Do we know who actually got there, and how?

      Practically everyone in the solar neighborhood has been to our moon. It’s a popular place, allowing convenient seating to observe the hostile Earth, without coming into harms way. Open nine to five, Centauri time. 🙂

      Man went there and isn’t allowed back. Homo sapien has quite the reputation.

  20. Thanks Daniel for this recent paper. You bring great clarity to human history and its origins on our very young planet.

  21. thank you very much Daniel for mercilessly blowing my mind, some fragments of my brain are still laying on the floor (not had the time to recollect them all). That will be much appreciates to read the part two and maybe a kind of chronology of events, very helpfull for put back my brain toghever in order. I really insist for the part two, even in an incomplete form.Pleaaaaaaase

  22. Dear Daniel, if you have time to read it, can you tell me what do you think about this article?

    1. The author has intuited some of the same concepts that I have presented in my papers and is attempting an explanation using conventional science. It is becoming more and more obvious that the planets are expanding, and the sun is getting larger and hotter, so many people are out looking to explain it. Personally, I find Larson’s Reciprocal System a simple and easy explanation to many of these phenomena; much easier than conventional science.

      Regarding oil… being “bacteria poop” from the asthenosphere, there’s plenty of it, and plenty more where that came from. Life does tend to expand and fill all available space.

    1. Hummm… I was told “size matters,” so one would think that age does, too.

      I just read an interesting paper by Prof. KVK Nehru on Cosmic Bubbles, where he calculates the age of a star of 1 solar mass–equivalent to our sun–to be just 18.4 million years. In regards to the future of our civilization, I think that number, as compared to conventional estimates, would matter.

  23. Hi Daniel- I love the work you’ve presented and have been waiting with baited breath for part two!
    I’ve been checking back almost daily since part one came out!

    1. Parts 2, 3 and 4 are still on my PC, being edited. I’ve got a great deal of new information from a rather unexpected source, and want to integrate it. Bit busy this summer, so it’s hard to get the time to sit down and organize all my notes and updates. I’m not really a journalist, so writing these papers does not come easily… kind of needs to be forced out (usually by Aaron!)

  24. I thank You very much Daniel. And i think i am not the only one who does view Your knowledge as very helpful. Beside the quantum-mechanical physics, it is especially everything about the SM what’s in my personal interest. I think we will approximately see a show in the coming month’s or years (i just want to mention David Wilcock’s actual statements), which should be considered under the aspect of a hidden SM agenda, which in parts seems to be predicted by several Veterans Today articles/authors – especially Preston James.

  25. Daniel…could you go deeper into the mirror experiments you were talking about in your timelines report. If an average person were to get their hands on a pair of silver mirrors, one with full reflection and one with partial, how would you create a charged state for the the mirrors and how would you position them and what would you experience or should i say what exactly could such a contraption be used for ?

    1. Hi Muzse,

      You should visit the forum linked from the menu bar of this site. daniel is a regular poster and responder there.


  26. May the Infinite Creator bless your soul (every contributing member of the Counscious Hugs site) and guide us on our paths.

    Thank you for the information here.

  27. Unbelievable !!! A black ops insider that actually is available for discourse after posting material that he expects the general reading public to swallow hook line and stinker.
    The concepts are interesting but many questions I would have for this man that would put his theories well back into speculative ground. I wonder if Danny has ever read anything about the Electric Universe Model that explains many astronomical anomalies in a much more comprehensive and common sense manner AND can be demonstrated in laboratory experiments. I’m not saying that Dan’s explanations are not given in a common sense manner … just not enough supporting evidence and detail fro me. A gravity driven Universe is or has been proven to be in error. EM is a far stronger force than gravity and that is a proven fact. Hence the Electric Universe Model has a better bead on things when it comes to cosmic forces holding this scrap heap of a Universe together.

    PS> Would love to pick Danny’s brains and debate whether his theories are even close to the mark.

  28. One more note from my feeble brain … and that is that he never once mentions Plasma physics as an operational component to any of this speculative theory of Universal operation as per star formation and galactic jets, quasars etc. No mention of proven plasma dynamics seen out there in the great beyond ??? Hmmm … seems he’s missing a puzzle piece which would make what he’s trying to say much harder to sell. 96 percent of the unseen matter in the Universe is plasma. DOH !!!

  29. Thanks, Aaron, for the way you summarized the missing “half of the whole” of our natural reality. It can be easy to get a little lost in the details sometimes. I can never be reminded enough times of the big picture.

  30. Thanks very much for your work, daniel. your hard work on all of these topics really helps shine light into the understanding of our physical reality and more importantly, the reality that is invisible to us all. The concepts you presented by Dewey Larson are eye-opening and revealing. they sort of remind me of those I came across by Walter Russell in one of his great books, the Atomic Suicide, among others that you can find on the net. the entire construct of the universe is in fact very simple if only we understand gravitation and radiation. An atom is held together not by its nucleus, but by electrical compression from the outside, which is reinforced by the coldness of the space once it is compressed electrically. In fact, nucleus does not exist! What a waste of time from all these so-called modern physicists fooling around this idea of nucleus with all these fancy formulas!!! All the elements on the periodic table we think are fundamentally unique are in fact not at all unique. all these elements come to being simply because of the difference in their electrical potentials, namely the electrical compression intensity by the thinking MIND. To put it simply, the MIND desires and that desire creates the intensity by electricity. That’s how matter come into being, by the thinking mind.

    Love what you do and please keep up the great work in enlightening humanity!

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