
The Powers That Were


Godzilla vs Zeus

For those of you who are already familiar with the “insider info” that I was providing to David Wilcock in the past, one of the premises I proceed from is that all the modern religions are just different views of the same, global religion. The most obvious root of this global religion comes from Sumeria, circa 4000 BCE, as a historical record of the colonization of the planet by the gods of old known as the ANNUNA, which translates to “the Sons of AN.”

AN (or ANU), himself, was one of the DIĜIR (Gods, Devas, Ás) predominantly known by the Greek name of Cronus or the Roman Saturn. He fathered the ANNUNA (the Olympian Gods) and referred to our world as KI (life, qi or ch’i), because it was just loaded with new life. Some of the ANNUNA took a liking to our world and decided to make it their permanent home, rather than drifting amongst the stars and were referred to as “the Sons of An on Earth”—the ANNUNAKI (Earth gods)—with the sky gods, those that preferred the colony ship keeping the original label of ANNUNA.

Because the ANNUNAKI had a vested interested in their new home, taking command as Planetary Princes (not Kings—AN was still considered the Ruler). 6000 years ago, the ANNUNAKI were the original masters of “The Powers That Be” (TPTB), ruling over the other intelligent life of the planet, from the IGIGI (the slaves brought by the ANNUNA from Azonei), the newly created genetic engineering marvel, humanity, and the native species consisting of homo neanderthalensis (Bigfoot, Sasquatch), their surviving predecessors and the L-Ms, the “Little Men” that included the now mythological races of dwarves, elves, trolls, goblins, faeries and the like. But there be no dragons here except for the gods, themselves, as these giants were saurian in appearance, often described as hideous, tailed amphibians with a crown of horns—later adopted by humanity as a symbol of nobility—the crown of the king.

These gods, however, were masters of genetic engineering, particularly ENKI (Lord of KI, the Earth, lead scientist and engineer) and “Bones” NINHURSAG (Lady of the Mountains, mother nature, chief medical officer), both of whom preferred to live on planet-side against the wishes of their father, AN, and ENKI’s kid brother, ENLIL (Lord of the Storm, military commander, Jehovah). It was their skills with genetics that turned this world into a custom planet for the ANNUNAKI, modifying existing life to better suit their needs, establishing a global agriculture and even large, technically advanced cities, one of which was ERIDU (“home away from home”), now replaced by the modern city of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ENKI’s real home on Earth, however, was past the Pillars of Hercules, over a small sea in the land of the ABZU, AZ (or OZ), known to the native humans as Aztlan, to the later Greeks as Atlantis and in modern days, the now destroyed Bargos Isles at the north pole, parts of the Americas and northern Canada along with remnants of “Phantom” Atlantic islands, which have vanished following subsequent earth changes. The Atlantic was a lot smaller back then.

The original center of The Powers That Were (TPTW) originated in ERIDU and, for the most part, remained there until the Deluge. In those days, power was a real thing called a “ME” (pronounced “may”) in Sumerian, which is normally translated as a “Tablet of Destiny.” If you look online, you will find researchers believe that these were just “seals of the gods” that they would stamp on tablets to make an official document. But that interpretation was created by people buried in the paperwork of bureaucracy, not ancient gods and their technology. Heck, even our Congress ignores the laws that they pass for us, so why would rivalrous gods care if somebody put their “AN Hancock” on a piece of mud?

In actuality, it is more like a “molecular key” used to access the ANNUNA technology on the colony ship that was in orbit around the planet. If you had possession of one or more of these ME, then you controlled their function, all over the world. And they controlled many things, from the weather to the behavior of the population—just like the desires of our good friends in the New World Order with their geoengineering, mind control and psyops. Once you consider what the ME controlled, it is obvious that they are not a “seal.” If they worked like that, Congress could just pass a law prohibiting gravity to exist on NASAs launchpads, to save rocket fuel.

The gods would fight, plot and scheme to get possession of these keys, as the gods, themselves, were not immune to their influence. And apparently they were not copyable much like today’s modern computer encryption systems, where a “one way encryption” that, if the original passphrase is lost, you simply can never recover and have to start anew.

But as time went on, sibling rivalry took hold of ENKI of the Earth gods and ENLIL of the Sky gods, that could not be settled by squealing on each other to their dad, AN.

Trilateral commission and the 3-fold aspect of penning up the slaves.
Trilateral commission and the 3-fold aspect of penning up the slaves.

Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back by –daniel

Part 5 of the Anthropology Series on the “Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens”

Grab your pickax and miner’s helmet and prepare to start digging through this paper, from the upper atmosphere down the core of the planet–and out the other side into the realm of 3D time. Discover the true nature of planetary interiors and the worlds that are hidden inside and beyond–all as a “natural consequence” of the structure of the universe.

This lengthy paper (44 pages) was two years in the making, focusing on the colonization of our world (originally known as Tiamat) by two, different races of extraterrestrials: the Cyclopeans (a term used by research George Hunt Williamson to describe a race of giants that existed prior to the Gods, discussed in Part IV of the Colonization of Tiamat) and the DINGAR, the Titan ancestors of the ANNUNA and ANNUNAKI–the modern “gods” of religion.

This paper includes many tidbits and gems, from the deliberately hidden mathematics of time, the land of the Little People and the actual location of Lemuria–no where near where you think it is! So, “ho ho ho” and let’s go…


Earth in the 13½ Century!

I am busy doing the graphics and illustrations for my next paper, The Colonization of Tiamat, Part V: The Annunaki Strike Back, and one of the illustrations I was working on was the reconstruction of the globe from 13th century mariner maps. Took a bit of doing, as they did not draw maps like we do these days, but I did manage to get something together and made a couple of animated GIF images out of it so you can see exactly what Earth looked like, somewhere near the 13½ century… and you will notice that ocean travel was pretty easy back then, as the oceans were much smaller than they are today.

The large, southern continent is Terra Australis Incognita, which includes both Antarctica and the breaking-off peninsula later known as Australia. Up at the North pole, we have the Bargos Islands, ancient home of the L-Ms–with NO ice pack!

It’s all explained in the next paper, so, for all you eager young space cadets, here is Earth in the 13½ century!

Northern Hemisphere

13th century earth North

Southern Hemisphere

13th century earth South

Extraterrestrial Albino Brain Chiggers

AlbinoBrainChiggersHas the mind of man been invaded by extraterrestrial microorganisms that are consuming his intelligence, returning him to the status of good slaves to the gods? Well no, but it certainly looks that way at times.

I was walking by the local High School the other day reading the chalk graffiti covering the sidewalks around the campus. They seem to have a preference for Satanic symbols and death messages, with the pentagram being one of the most popular. Though it is obvious they have no clue as to who or what “the Satan” actually is nor any idea on how magical symbols operate; it is just random scrawling to try to spook the Mormon teachers, rebelling against the worship of Jesus being forced upon them and taking the position of the adversary (what “Satan” actually means). Scattered between the pentagrams there were many editorial comments regarding their trainers (I hesitate to use the words “teachers” or “educators” these days) brazenly spelling out “SKOOL SUKS!!!” not 50 feet from the large, metal letters emblazoned across the brick wall of the school, spelling out “HIGH SCHOOL.”

Now it occurs to me that these kids have been exposed to the word “school” on a near-daily basis for at least 8 years now and still have not figured out how to spell it, despite all the exorbitant schools and government-backed “education.” So the only possible explanation must be that their minds have been invaded by extraterrestrial albino brain chiggers1 sucking out all their intelligence. After all, the systems of Education want you to know what is going on in the world so you can think for yourself and see all the false flags, deceit and trickery your masters are engaging in, right?

I find it quite interesting that the “dumbing down” of humanity started around 1933 as a film industry process to create entertainment that appealed to the lowest common denominator, which was the same year that “insider info” has for world governments establishing formal relations with extraterrestrials.

The cover-ups of extraordinary scientific breakthroughs began in the mid-1920s to prevent the major energy suppliers from going out of business from “free energy” technology that was being discovered on every garage inventor’s workbench. Back then it was easy. Threaten the guy and his family, “terminate with extreme prejudice,” or discredit the idea so it would never make it to industry. Job done, easy as pie because technology had not developed to a point where communication between researchers was just a push of a button, as it is today.

From the film, They Live

With the establishment of interplanetary relations a new situation developed—how to control the minds of the public at large, who much prefer to be entertained over educated. As Dewey Larson oft said, “complexity is entertaining, simplicity is not.” So they flipped science around backwards to make it as complex and entertaining as possible then introduced it to the mass media for distribution to the public with all the appropriate subliminal messages in place. “Obey without question!” as Doctor Who’s Daleks put it.

The manipulators of our world are very clever, not only with the subliminal images but are quite adept at using the music industry to create precise emotional responses by fostering specific “rebellious” personalities that are actually doing the bidding of The Powers That Be to encourage all sorts of criminal acts—because prisons have become privatized and big business these days with their “customers” being criminals. When you want to increase your customer base just make more and more stuff illegal.2 That is why we have lawmakers making laws, instead of representatives protecting liberties. Heck, here in the United States they have even made “being alive” a crime unless you pay the Obamacare “tax” for permission to breathe. Thank goodness that people are blissfully ignorant of this invasion of the neuron snatchers, these fluffy albino chiggers that blanket the world in silence, like new-fallen snow.

3rd Rock from the Sun, “Frozen Dick,” Season 1, Episode 17.

From the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:

Albino Brain Chiggers

A white, crystalline microorganism that dissolves upon contact with the flesh, enters the bloodstream, migrates to the brain and breaks down molecules of intelligence into their component particles, known as morons.

Whatever the cause, the effect is this: the genocide of intelligence. And what people do not realize is that in the ancient texts the word for intelligence is the Medieval Latin animus—the very same word they used for spirit. Intelligence is not memorization and regurgitation, like a bird feeding its chicks by puking up words of wisdom… intelligence is the ability to generate abstract concepts from seemingly unrelated patterns that can be used to form new patterns that would otherwise be concealed within the dark reaches of the psyche. Spiritual concepts are abstractions as they usually do not have a physical existence, so at least for me, intelligence is the doorway to the spiritual realm, ascension and higher levels of being. So what’s it to be, my friends… the “ignorance is bliss” of the slave, or the intelligent, peaceful explorer of the Universe, tracing the route of natural consequences to infinity and beyond?

Having been around for more than a half century and growing up in parallel with the evolution of computers and technology, I find it interesting that I am constantly told how much smarter computers have become, to the point where they can now think like a man. Yet when I pull out the old programming books and compare them to what is used today, I see exactly the same thing. If, then, else, input, print “Hello World!”, let x=2+2. It is not that computers have evolved to think like man—it is that man has been devolved to think like a computer, complete with the “New World Order 8.0” operating system and apps, fully installed at birth, for your convenience.

Most of mankind has been exposed to extraterrestrial albino brain chiggers from an early age and is taught to “cover his ears” by the powers that be, but not to keep them out—to keep them in.

So take off the brain condoms and pull out the mental floss—there is still the possibility of a better world out there but you need to see and hear the reality of it, for yourself.

 1: 3rd Rock from the Sun, “Frozen Dick,” Season 1, Episode 17.

2: In the United States, if you include Federal and State Codes and Regulations along with all the “case law” that supports it, well, Ronald Gainer of the Justice Department said, “you will have died and resurrected three times,” just to count them! Ron Paul estimates that 40,000 new laws were passed just on the 1st day of 2012.

The Colonization of Tiamat by –daniel

Part 4 of the Anthropology Series on the “Hidden Origins of Homo Sapiens” by -daniel

Somewhere along the line, that which is true is being made to appear false, because that which is false is accepted as truth. —Dewey Larson

click to download Geochronology pdf
click to download The Colonization of Tiamat pdf

Following on from the excellent Homo Sapiens Ethicus, where daniel ended with a quick review of the evolution of the species and the “intervention” upon our world by three major groups of extraterrestrial visitors; the Cyclopeans, Titans and Annunaki, part 4 of the Anthropology Series goes into more detail about the hidden history of Homo Sapiens on Tiamat, now known as Earth.

In order to advance forward you need to learn from the past but with history usually being written by the winners and countless eons of scientific misinterpretation, disinformation, fraud and hidden agenda’s to deal with, it’s almost impossible to learn the real history of the third rock from the sun.

But the clues are there, in our mythology, in our folklore, in the shaving foam and whiskers spiraling down the bathroom sink hole!

MilkyWay (Artist)

This latest paper goes some way towards solving the mystery of our origins and a little problem with the Hubble Space Telescope by showing that once again “everything we know is wrong”.

It’s important to remember the following:

  • The substance of the universe is not matter, but motion, an abstract ratio of change that we call space/time.
  • Faster-than-light speeds are commonplace; the rule, not the exception.
  • Astronomers have everything backwards; stars begin their life as red giants and end it as blue giants exploding in a supernovae galaxies.
  • The geological dating system is based on a false premise; things are much younger than stated by geologists. Correlations are missed because of this, such as the Biblical appearance of Adam and Eve coinciding with the sudden appearance of Cro-Magnon man.
  • Anthropology became the study of how to hide the true origins of homo sapiens.  Fact is, we are the new kids on the block, and the story is much bigger before we came around.

What I love about the ongoing RS2 research, which builds on Dewey B. Larson’s Reciprocal System of physical theory, is how it continues to provide a much more satisfactory explanation for how the world really works compared to the current mainstream understanding of science.

Mainstream science doesn’t take into account 3D time (the 19th century concept of aether) and I often wonder what kind of world we would live in if they did and the work of people like James Clerk Maxwell and Nicola Tesla had not been conveniently covered up…

So get ready for a hidden history lesson you won’t forget, brought to you by Barney and his new Rubble Space Telescope!

Hey Fred! I think astronomers got it all inside-out, backwards and the wrong scale! BARNEY! Stop reading daniel's papers!!!
Hey Fred! I think astronomers got it all inside-out, backwards and the wrong scale!
BARNEY! Stop reading daniel’s papers!!!

When I first read this seemingly crazy information coming down from the Rubble Space Telescope to Einstone College, I thought to myself-has daniel completely lost it?

I mean really? This turns everything upside down and inside out!

Then I thought about it….upside down & inside out–yeah, turns out that is exactly how reciprocal things work!  Hmmm… this answers all the questions, and fills all the gaps the main-streamers have been brushing under the rug for centuries.

Check the evidence yourself – might ol’ daniel just be right…?

click the image of Albert Einstone below to download the paper:

The Colonization of Tiamat: Part 4 of the Anthropology series
The Colonization of Tiamat: Part 4 of the Anthropology series

New World Religion

Introducing daniel’s new paper of:

New World Religion-

Enslaving the Human Spirit with a Blue Beam

Part 2 of the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens

god said

Send in the Clowns (Posse)

I decided to write this short intro as daniel’s next paper is published for all to see. This is one of my favorites so far because its written so well, is funny, and has very little ‘tech talk” in it which makes it really comprehensible to us lay persons.

I can’t speak for the rest of you, but one thing that stands out to me is that nearly everything I interact with today whether its media, internet articles, videos, interviews, tv,etc…is so blatantly wrong! For me, this is because it all has a huge gaping (w)HOLE that is missing! I call this gaping (w)hole, the missing “half” of all context.

I say this because everything we come into interaction with is tainted, flawed, and perverted with only “half” of the correct information or context. So really, its only “half” of the whole.

The missing half of the context I am talking about is the fundamental thing that daniel writes about in all of his papers, the aspect of Motion that exists as the basis of all physics, and that Motion is the reciprocal interaction of Time and Space. Together!

So whats the problem? Everything we interact with is based only in the context of Space, and does not acknowledge or comprehend that Time is the other half of reality. What I mean is, time and space work together in unison to create the “whole” of reality” as motion. Each is “half of the whole”, which is why everything we know is wrong! (from the main stream point of view) Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with recognizing Space for what it is and its role in the whole of reality, but the problem arises when the universe is defined without the other “half of the whole”, which is Time.

Its a wonder why more people aren’t awakened to this deception. Why is everyone just walking along clueless like the poor chump in the cartoon above, oblivious to the missing half of reality? Well, that’s the kicker! This is being done quite intentionally so you won’t trip and fall into the gaping (w)hole of your own awareness!

You see, when you deny Time and its role in universal reality, you also deny and prohibit access to all the things that exist within time. One very important aspect that exists in time, is your extra sensory perceptions (ESP) of psychic ability. The NWO/NWR  have great fear that you will discover this missing aspect of your ability.

Why? Because access to your temporal existence and psychic abilities would transcend any mind control, or deception that anyone or any ET could attempt to control you with.

In a couple of days I will write a Part 2 to this intro about the missing half of Time, and include a table cheat sheet I am working on that helps me remember several underlying contexts that usually evade most people.

Without further ado, here is daniel’s great new paper of:

New World Religion-Enslaving the Human Spirit with a Blue Beam

Part 2 of the Hidden Origin of Homo Sapiens

click to download Geochronology pdf
click to download Geochronology pdf